Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Prepare for a School Day

Preparing for a school day... what does that mean, you might ask. This is how to pack a bag, what to do in the morning to fall into a routine... that sort of stuff.

Anyway... here's what you do. When you've finished homework and (hopefully) private study, pack your bag for the next day. This includes returning all textbooks, notebooks, pencil cases, etc. to your backpack and if you have a sports lesson the next day, packing your gear for that, too.

You might like to create a checklist (like this one) including everything that you need to pack for the next day.

Now, when you wake up in the morning, here's a good routine to follow:

1. Jump out of bed. Don't do the '5 more minutes!' routine - get out of that bed, sleepy head!
2. Go and grab some breakfast. This will wake you up if you're still tired.
3. Brush your teeth! It's important to do this before getting dressed as you probably won't feel like doing it after.
4. Go and get dressed. That's important.
5. Free time, then get to school!

Have a nice day. When you get to school, prepare your books for your first class(es) and head off to where you are supposed to be!

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